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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Art Crystals - Enhancing Creativity With Crystals

Using creativity enhancing crystals and art charms has been an ancient practice to help increase inspirational ideas and get the creative juices flowing.

~ Crystals can be found in an amazing range of sizes, various shapes and a multitude of beautiful colors.

~ Crystal matrixes follow the patterning of Sacred Geometry

~ Have you ever contemplated that all crystals are living organisms with a unique life energy of their own?

How to choose the right art crystal to enhance your personal creativity

Choosing a crystal is a very personal experience that requires a person to tune into their intuitive side and be led by impressions that are received.

~ Close your eyes and visualize the art project you are currently working on

~ Open your heart until you feel a warm glow in the heart center and state your intention to find the perfect art crystal creativity stone that is most beneficial for you at this time

~ Let yourself be guided to the right crystal

~ Sometimes you will hear the name of the right crystal in your mind, sometimes you may feel a tingling sensation in your hand when touching the different crystals, sometimes you will just know its the one the minute you lay eyes on it.

Tips for Choosing the Right Art Crystal for you

~ Even if it seems at first that you made a wrong choice , let your instinct guide you and know that the one you are drawn to might not be the prettiest, or the one you thought would do well but the one you truly need at this moment in time...

~ Let your eyes glide over the selection of creativity crystals and you will find one that captures your attention more than any other.

~ If you have the chance to go to a crystal store , take your time and glide your hand over the crystals on display ..clearly state your intention that you desire a crystal to increase your creativity in your art or special project , otherwise you may pick up a sensation for another issue that is currently featuring in your life.

~ you may feel a sensation in your hand when you glide over the right one, or you may just sense it, or hear a "voice" in your mind or you may just know as soon as you set eyes on the right crystal.

I love Crystals, like to be surrounded by their vibrational energy and pick different ones, sometimes several times a day :-)

~ If you are a girl then a good way to get close to the energy of your favorite art crystal is to wear them in your Bra ... Make it your own special hidden Art Charm

~ Choose a smooth tumblestone version of your favorite crystal as they like skin contact and keep it snug inside your bra. Be aware and watch your inspiration and creative ideas soar ...

~ Each crystal is a living being and it is a respectful touch to the creative energies of this earth to thank each crystal for their attention to your cause.

~ After each project is completed or you no longer feel the need for the crystal, clean it under cold running water and place it in a special place until it is asked for again.

Milliande is a creative free spirit on a joyful journey exploring her awakening consciousness through mixed media art expressions. She is the conductor at Milliande's visionary art bus, a website honoring visionary women that inspire the world.

You can HOP ON Milliande's VAB Art Bus for Free Creativity Help Guides Online and Free Art Classes online at No Tickets Required :-) !

HOP OFF for a list of Creativity Enhancing Crystals at:

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