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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beading Is Still A Hot Craft And Hobby

Beading is a great craft activity that is fun for people of all ages. Children as young as three or four years old love to make beaded bracelets and necklaces. You can even find beading kits that are specifically designed for children to learn the craft of bead working. For adults who love working with beads, many have found that they can make a decent living selling their creative bead work at fairs, online, and by opening their own bead shops.

Having fun while you work is something that many people try to find when they are looking for a career, so people who enjoy working with beads will really like the idea of making money while they are having fun with beads. Beads come in so many sizes and styles that there really is an infinite number of possibilities when making jewelry or other beaded items. You will never get bored if you like crafting with beads.

The most popular item to make with beads is jewelry. Children usually start out with large plastic type beads and make each other friendship bracelets and necklaces. At your local craft store you can usually find dozens of books available on different designs and patterns that you can use when making your jewelry projects. Plus the Internet is a vast resource of free information for bead working projects.

If you are working with beads and trying to sell your items you might want to consider expanding your bead work to more items than just jewelry. One area that is quickly gaining popularity is bead work on household items. You can add beads to table cloths, seat covers, lamp shades, or comforters. The only limitation with bead work is your own imagination. Beads can really liven up any household piece that you have.

You can also work on projects that are season specific. Like Christmas bead work for jewelry or household items. Many people are interested in updating their house during this and other holiday periods and will be more likely to make a first purchase of a beaded craft.

A very new and quickly growing way to use beads is by making flowers with them. With this technique the beads are intertwined and made to look like a gorgeous flower. The French Beaded Flower technique takes a little practice, but after it is accomplished you will be able to market a very unique form of bead work that very few others are able to do.

It doesn't matter if you are trying to make some extra money or just doing bead work for fun, working with a variety of beautiful beads is a great way to spend your time and will bring joy to people of all ages.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as glass beads at

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